Saturday, March 10, 2012



 Have you been thinking about adding more raw foods to your diet?  When you look at all of the recipe books you will find that you don’t need many kitchen tools, but a high speed blender comes in very handy.  If you are like me and have tried to make green smoothies, nut butters, soups, etc. with a regular kitchen blender, you know it just doesn’t do the job.  For years, the only high speed blenders in the market came with a hefty price tag of over $500.00!  But now there is the Omni V blender that not only does the job, but is actually less noisy, lasts longer and comes with a 7 year warranty for just half that of the other blenders.
That’s right – the Omni V blender starts at just $250 plus shipping.

Click HERE To Order!